Monday 17 September 2012

sometimes expressing your feelings through words are tuff...! so its always better to express the inside feeling through writing.... i never thought i would write my personal feelings this way..but i don't have any other options.. coz there are very less people around who could understand the actual voice of your heart...! 

Sunday 9 September 2012

A hope in darkness

All my life i spent believing in a fairy tale, my thinking and happiness..!
But reality is so different.. its like burning down of a paper into ashes.. but i know  my dreams will come true..i will have my "prince" holding my hand.. coz there is a saying "Never lose a hope coz after every dark cloud there is a silver lining".

Thursday 6 September 2012

                                              warm touch of love ♥


sometimes its like all doors are closed.. but still keeping hope is all what you got!!

Fairy tale

For those who believe in fairy tale...♥